Tuesday, October 30, 2012

No More Secrets To Younger Skin

Michael Kors Outlet, Michael Kors Handbags No More Secrets To Younger SkinRecent studies are showing that people are living longer, so is it any wonder that we all strive to regain and maintain our youthful complection.
Traditionally we have opted for skin rejuvenation technologies such as laser treatments, which are designed to produce controlled amounts of thermal damage to the dermis. A sub clinical wounding is deliberately used to cause damage and thus invoke the wound healing process, which in turn leads to the production of new collagen.
The use of LEDs for skin rejuvenation is unique in that it does not produce any thermal damage. Instead of thermal damaging the skins delicate outer layer, LEDs induce a photobiomodulative reaction, increasing fibroblasts, collagen synthesis, growth factors and enhances mitochondrial output. The mitochondria is the power station for all cells, they use up proteins to produce energy and thus aide in the skin rejuvenation process.
LED light therapy is becoming a treatment of choice for the modern customer who requires a natural alternative. LED light treatments are backed up by years of significant research and are proven to work.
LED light therapy research.
NASA researchers discovered that LEDs had many promising medical applications. Most interesting they found that near infrared light from LEDs will promote wound healing by causing skin cells to grow 150 to 200 percent faster than cells not stimulated by such light. The light arrays increase energy inside cells that speed up the healing process.
Due to the NASA finding, red LED therapy was initially promoted and used as a post operative procedure for would healing.
LEDs Proven Effective for Anti Ageing.
Although there has been previous studies conducted on LED’s and skin rejuvenation (see- skin rejuvenation studies) the most recent and ground breaking was conducted by S.Y Lee et al in 2007 [1].
76 subjects with facial wrinkles were treated with the LED light therapy or a sham therapy (control group) twice a week for 4 weeks. The study was a randomised and placebo controlled with the observers being double blinded (they did not know which treatment group they were observing).
S.Y Lee et al study results are:
‘Subjects treatment satisfaction levels were 95.2% for the treatment group compared to 13.3% in the control group.
‘Severity of wrinkles were reduced by 36% in the LED therapy group compared to the control group.
‘Skin elasticity increased by 16% compared to the control (sham treatment) group.
‘A significant increase in the amount of collagen fibres throughout the entire dermis. (outer skin layer)
‘A significant increase in elastic fibres in the upper and mid-reticular dermis.
‘Highly activated fibroblasts in the treatment groups were noted.
The researchers conclude:
‘We concluded that 830 nm and 633 nm LED phototherapy is an effective, safe, well-tolerated and painless treatment for skin rejuvenation. From the clinical aspect, the non-thermal feature of LED phototherapy may be a significant advantage, because we could achieve effective rejuvenation of aging skin without inducing any thermal damage or wounding in normal skin. We recommend the use of the combination of these two wavelengths of light to maximize the effect through utilizing the advantages specific to each wavelength. Cheap Mihchael Kors


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