Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Credit card statements documents with financial information

In today's technologically advanced world more and more people are falling victim to identity theft both online and offline. It was reported by a general accounting office that over 700,000 Americans have their identity stolen every year and that number is expected to rise over time michael kors totes. While many thieves operate online there are still many 'dumpster divers' who go through people's trash cans looking for a credit card statement or a solicitation that someone forgot to tear up. You may be thinking that people don't do this stuff but there are people who spend a lot of time waiting on someone to forget to shred a piece of their personal information so they can take it and start running up your credit cards and using your social security number. It may be impossible to stop someone from stealing your identity entirelymichael kors totes, but there are things that you can do to lower the risk of having it happen. A simple way to stop thieves from getting your personal information by dumpster diving is to remember to destroy all private records and statements. You can tear the stuff up, but it is best to shred it.

Credit card statements, documents with financial information and solicitations all need to be shredded. It is also a good idea to secure your mail, you can do this by emptying your mailbox quickly michael kors totes, lock it or get a P.O box. By securing your mail it will stop thieves from stealing credit card pitches and other financial information. Never mail bills or checks from your home, it is simple for thieves to go through your mail and get a bill or check and change the payee's name on the check by erasing it with solvent michael kors totes. Mail out all of your bills and checks from the post office since it is the most secure location to do so. Your social security number should also be protected. You should never carry your social security card with you or any other card that may have your number on it, this includes your heath insurance card michael kors totes. The social security number is the key to all of your information so thieves look for stuff like this.

If they get your social security number they can get access to other important information like your credit report and your bank account. Also remember to never leave ATM, credit card or gas receipts behind.

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